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What is a project?

This article gives a brief introduction to the concept of projects in Timekit.

Written by derrick mak
Updated over a week ago

A project in Timekit is a configuration of a specific booking experience. Usually, a project will correspond to an existing process already present in your organization.

Depending on what kind of booking experience you're building it may consist of several specific booking blueprints. What booking type, what confirmation flow, which resources can be booked plus a whole range of other configurations - is collected in a project.

Examples of projects are:

  • Physical locations (clinics, shops)

  • Vendors in a marketplace (mentors, therapists)

  • Structured processes (sales calls, interviews) 

  • Collections of assets (conference rooms, segways) 

Projects are a great way to group your resources into different booking experiences and there are really no hard limits on how you can do this. You can manage your projects from the Admin Dashboard or entirely via the Projects API. 

Here are a few examples of projects: 

Example - Advisor bookings

You have a team of advisors (resources) handling incoming bookings from customers during weekdays from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. The bookings get allocated randomly between available advisors and each advisor receives a booking confirmation that they'll have to accept manually. 

These configurations about the advisor's availability, how their bookings should be confirmed and how the bookings should be allocated are all collected in a specific project that defines this booking's blueprint.

Example - Conference room bookings

Your conference room is the resource that can be booked by employees or residents in an office community and is available 24/7 all days of the week. Booking requests for the conference room will be confirmed automatically when it's available and residents receive an SMS reminder 30 minutes before the reservation starts.   

These configurations of how bookings should be confirmed and whether residents should be reminded via email or SMS are all collected in a specific project that defines this booking's blueprint.

Ready to create a project? Head into the Admin Dashboard.

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