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Subprocessors of Timekit

This page lists each Subprocessor, the services they provide to us, and their location.

Written by derrick mak
Updated over a week ago

Last updated: Dec 13, 2021

Timekit uses a range of third party service providers to assist with its data processing activities. When we work in our capacity as a data processor with these service providers, the service provider is a Subprocessor of Timekit.

This page lists each Subprocessor, the services they provide to us, and their location. Each Subprocessor is subject to contract terms that enforce compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Timekit currently uses the following Subprocessors:

Cloud service provider

  • Amazon, United States

  • Google Cloud Platform, United States 

  • Zapier, United States 

  • Sendgrid, United States 

  • Slack, United States 

Customer relationship management

  • Intercom, United States

  • Salesforce, United States

  • Typeform, Spain 


  • Segment, United States 

  • Mixpanel, United States

  • Google Analytics, United States 

Error reporting 

  • Logrocket, United States 

  • Sentry, United States 

  • Papertrail, United States 

Calendar providers

  • Google Calendar, United States 

  • Microsoft, United States 

Financial services

  • Chartmogul, Germany

  • Stripe, United States  

  • Chargify, United States  

We may update this list from time to time as our business needs change.

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