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Understand Timekit with this glossary
Understand Timekit with this glossary

Apps, Bookings, Resources, Projects, Blueprints - what on earth are we talking about? 🤔

Written by derrick mak
Updated over a week ago

This article gives you a brief introduction to the key concepts that exist within Timekit and how you should use them.


In Timekit terms, a booking is a request to occupy a time-slot in a calendar belonging to a resource. 

These are the types of bookings that are available on Timekit:

  • 1-to-1 bookings: This booking type allows customers to book a specific timeslot with a specific resource.

  • Round robin bookings:  With this type of booking customers will book a specific timeslot that will be allocated to one random resource in a predefined team of resources.

  • Group bookings: This type allows multiple customers to book the same specific time-slot with a specific resource. As such, each booking resembles reserving a seat, much like a seminar, webinar or a class. 

Try creating either a 1-to-1 booking, a round robin booking or a group booking with these guides. 

Need more information - try this article: "What is a booking?".


Consider a resource as anything that can be booked. This means anything from real people to bookable entities. Your staff are resources, your conference room, your car, your apartment etc. Basically anything that at some point in time stands idly by.

Learn more about resources in this article: "What is a bookable resource?".


In Timekit terms, a project is a configuration of a specific booking experience. 

Depending on what kind of booking experience you're building it may consist of several specific booking workflows. Each booking workflow configuration - what booking type, what confirmation flow, which resources can be booked plus a whole range of other configurations - is collected in a project.

Need more information - try this article: "What is a project?".


In Timekit, an app is simply an isolated collection of projects, resources and bookings. Each app has its own billing plan and app owners. Often you would only need a single app to build your booking experience but some scenarios can require multiple apps.


In Timekit terms, availability decides when a resource can receive bookings and when it's unavailable. 

Timekit operates on the assumption that a resources initial availability is 24/7. This mean that you don't add any working hours or availability constraints for your resource, it is available by default.

You configure a resources availability in Timekits admin dashboard or directly through the Timekit API.

Booking blueprint

In Timekit terms, a booking blueprint defines the steps a booking takes through its lifetime - from a customer request a specific timeslot to it's either confirmed, declined or canceled in a resource's calendar.

Want to know more - try this article: "What is a booking bluebrint?".

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